25 Idanre Hills, AMSSCO Est., Abuja 08081437580 info@weweng.org

Past Projects


1. IHP-Nutrition Project: May 26 - March 30, 2024| Abuja, FCT| A sub-award from Palladium Nigeria under an award from USAID


To build the capacity of health care workers at primary health care centers, including those recognized as CMAM centers, to effectively treat and track the progress of children under 5 years of age identified as MAM and SAM and prevent relapse among recently recovered malnutrition cases.

Objectives of the nutrition project:

1.    Increase in service capacity of facilities to provide food-based counselling to caregivers of malnourished and/or food insecure children.

2.   Increase in knowledge and capacity of healthcare providers at the Primary. HealthCare Center (PHC) level to provide counselling in food-based approaches         to improve dietary diversity and infant and young child feeding practices.

3.   Improve nutrition and care practices among caregivers, pregnant and lactating women.

Palladium logo

2. USAID funded Nigeria Strengthening Civic Advocacy and Local Engagement Nigeria (SCALE) - August 16, 2021-January 15, 2024:

WEWE is currently a resource partner to USAID-funded SCALE, and we conducted Organizational Capacity Assessments (OCA) and developed Organizational Capacity development plans for 63 SCALE subgrantees who are Anchor CSOs and Business Membership Organizations (BMOs) using the Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT) and Organizational Performance Index (OPI) tools. WEWE developed statutory compliance action plans, we coached and mentored these organizations to access and manage USAID funds directly.

WEWE conducted capacity assessments in the following capacity domains: 

1. Leadership and                       

2. Governance, 

3. Structures and Systems, 

3. Human Resources, 

4. Administration, 

5. Organizational Management, 

6. Resource Mobilization, 

7. Project Performance Management, 

8. Gender, Equality and Social Inclusion, 

9. Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning, 

10. External Relations, 

11. Financial Management and 

12. Procurement

Palladium logo

3. Rivers State Surge Project: 2019 - 2022 | Rivers State, Nigeria | Total Value: US$1,640,000 million (NGN); A sub-award from Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) under an award from Centre for Disease Control (CDC).

WEWE received two letters of agreement (LOA) in 2019 of a total value of US $1,640,000 from the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) under an award from United States Centre for Disease Control (USCDC). This project is implemented in 17 LGAs out of the 23 LGAs in Rivers State in partnership with over 200 health facilities. The goal of this project is to improve the lives of 196,406 beneficiaries of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) households living with HIV/AIDs.


A total of 122,373 (77,614 females, 44,759 males) beneficiaries have received evidence based quality interventions as at September 30, 2019 and from these beneficiaries 84,821 are orphans and vulnerable children between 0-18, 37,552 are adult care givers and 18,905 are adolescent girls between 10 -18.  WEWE has successfully enrolled 1192 (622 females, 570 males) HIV positive children and 2695 HIV positive caregivers that are adults comprises are 90% women.


River State Surge activities are categorised into four domains  “healthy”, “schooled”, “stable” and “safe”, through direct service provision to the child, caregiver, community with emphasis on building household economic resilience: The type of activities listed under each domain are as follows:


HIV Counselling and Testing, Follow Up on HIV Positive OVC and Caregiver for Drug Initiation, Home Visit to Follow Up on Drug Adherence, Provision of Health And Nutrition Education, Use of Action Meal As Food Supplementation For Malnourished Children, Food And Nutrition Supplement Support, HIV Risk Assessment And Referral, Health Awareness Campaigns, Escort Services For Children And Their Caregivers That Test HIV Positive, Bi-Directional Referrals Between Health Facilities And Communities, Case Findings For HIV Positive Children, Finding HIV Positive Children of Key Population Such As Female Sex Workers, Providing Support For Adolescents At Risk Of HIV In High Burden Areas Across Rivers State, Providing Adherence Support And Linkage to Health Facilities and Treatment, and Following to Ensure Viral Load Suppression of OVC Beneficiaries to Align With USAID 95:95:95 Agenda.

Immunization Awareness/Sensitization, Personal Hygiene, Sexual And Reproductive Health, Environmental Sanitation, WASH, Malaria Prevention With Special Emphasis on Proper Use of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN), Handling of Minor Illnesses, Adherence to Drug Regime for Children Living With HIV. 


Educational Performance Assessment and School Visits, Enrollment and Re-enrolment of school age children back to school, School Block Granting, Transitioning adolescent from Primary to Secondary Education, Vocational, Life Skill Training.



Facilitate the Issuance of Birth Certificate for Vulnerable Children, Gender base violence, Provision of Shelter and Care, and Child Protection (Prevention of Child Abuse).


Home Visits, Psychosocial Support, Adolescent Girls and Young Women, Infant and Young  Children feeding (IYCF),  Caregivers’ Forum, Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) and Income Generating Activities.


4. Irish Aid: 'UNITE! Activism to end violence against women and girls: November 25 - December 10, 2022 | Abuja-FCT, Nigeria | Total Value: 5,000EUROs. Awarded from Embassy of Ireland.

WEWE set a task force for all 19 GBV stakeholders in FCT and together we championed the fight against Gender-Based violence against girls and women in FCT with 12 CSOs and 7 Government Stakeholders. sensitized as GBV change agents/Advocate
Irish Aid

5. Malaria Consortium: Insecticide Treated Net Campaign: July 27 - August 17, 2022 | Anambra State, Nigeria | Total Value: N1,224,900.

WEWE carried out sensitization to community leaders, religious leader, traditional leaders, union leaders, and their members on the regular use of insecticide nets to fight against malaria.
Malaria Consortium

6. State2State Project: 2021 - 2022 | Ebonyi State, Nigeria | Total Value: USD $48,306.67; Award from DAI Global, LLC (DAI).

Goal of the Project:
The goal of the project
is increasing the Accountability, Transparency and Effectiveness of 7 LGAs in Primary Health, Basic Education, WASH and Conflict mitigation.
WEWE has also trained 175 LGA staff, 8 State stakeholders, 7 Traditional rulers and 28 Persons Living With Disabilities (PWDs) on Public Finance Management and Procurement Processes, conflict Sensitivity, Mitigation and Resolution, Anti-Human Trafficking.
WEWE has also trained over 400 citizens including school youths and out-of-school youths, PWDs using their WASH Customer Forum (WCF) platforms and Commemoration activities on WASH knowledge and Menstrual Hygiene Management.
WEWE has built the capacity of  LGA Staff, Community Leaders, Youths, Women and PWDs on the development of WASH Demand Service Charter and Community Score Card for rating services delivery by agencies saddled with the responsibility of providing WASH services in the state.
Celebrated World Water Day, 2022.


Water Day: WEWE, USAID S2S
Advocates for Visible Water Supply in Ebonyi State
Celebrated World Menstrual
Hygiene day.
USAID seeks to end menstrual
stigma as world observes hygienic day

DAI logo

7. Effective Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program (E-WASH); 2019-2022 | Imo State, Nigeria | Total value: N25,485,200 million (NGN); AID-0AA-1-15-00033 - 0215989; Sub-grant from Research Triangle International (RTI) funded by USAID Nigeria:

WEWE is currently implementing the E-WASH project in Imo State through a sub-grant from Research Triangle Institute (RTI). 

The objectives of this sub-grant are:

§  Promote sector-wide reform for improved public accountability

§  Facilitate key utility (SWB) reforms for service improvement and social accountability

§  Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion in Urban Communities

Results as at March 2020: (i) WEWE has conducted advocacy for the provision of waste bins in schools; Conducted commemoration of Global Hand washing Day by the State Government: (ii) participated in the review of Imo State WASH Policy in October 19, 2019; (iii) organised CSOs Interface/Meeting with the General Manager of Imo state Water and Sewerage Cooperation and (iv). Mapping of urban WASH structures. WEWE in collaboration with Imo State Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation (ISWSC), Society for Water Supply and Sanitation (NEWSAN) and other relevant stakeholders organised for a training on open Defecation in Comprehensive Development. This involved Six (6) participants, which include School WASH Clubs, One Women Group, One Youth Group, Zonal WASH Customer Forum Meetings and quarterly Coalition Meeting.  A total of 218 persons (100 males, 118 females) were reached by WASH interventions (water, sanitation and hygiene) with special emphasis on household water treatment and safe storage. Out of the total persons reached by WASH interventions 123 (60M, 63F) are students, while 23 are women and the remaining 72 (40M, 32F) are Zonal WASH Customer Forum members, Coalition Meetings and youths members.

8. Strengthening Advocacy for Civil Education (SACE):

This project was implanted in 10 states Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Delta, Kano, Imo, Rivers, Edo, Ondo, Lagos States and Abuja FCT and it was to ensure that  no less than six of SACE’s grantee partners fully developed the administrative capacity to implement a direct grant from USAID. The duration of the project was August 21st 2017 – August 20th 2018, and it had a budget of N113, 283,084.00. WEWE implemented an Organizational Development project which had a goal to build the capacity of for 17 local CSOs sub-grantees of a sub-contract from USAID funded Strengthening Advocacy and Civic Engagement (SACE) implemented SAII associates limited by guarantee (an associate of Chemonics International Inc.); The project’s goal was to strengthen the institutional capacity gap in 17 CSOs who were SACE sub-grantees in 10 states which include Abuja, RiversKano, Ondo, Edo, Delta, Lagos, Bayelsa, Akwa Ibom and Imo. The project focused on four areas of specialization which include (i) Institutional capacity, (ii) financial Management, (iii) procurement, (iv) fund raising and Report Writing, from August 1, 2017 to October 12, 2018 and the project’s budget was N113, 283,084. (US$ 314,675).  The strategy and tools used was training manual and tools and conducting trainings in the form of onsite one on one skill development and workshop trainings one in the south (Imo State) and one in the north (Abuja).

The major results were: Eight (8) of the CSOs who are SACE sub-grantees had adequate systems (organizational, financial, internal control, procurement and fundraising) to directly access USAID grants in Nigeria – CENSOJ, YAF, HDI, ANEEJ, LITE Africa, HERFON, WARDC and CISLAC.

  • All 17 CSOs SACE sub-grantees had improved organizational vision, mission/core ideologies.

  • Ten (10) CSOs SACE sub-grantees had their policies (Human Resource, Financial and Procurement) revised to meet the minimum global standards

  • All the 17 CSOs SACE sub-grantees significantly improved in their Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA), Non-US Pre-Award Survey (NUPAS), Pre-ward Preparedness Self-assessment tool & Capacity Development Plans (CDP) as compared to baseline assessment.

  • There was a significant increase in resource mobilization and proposal writing skills of all the CSOs and 9 of them within 12 months were able to raise over $1 million dollars in grants from donors.

9. Local Partners for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (LOPIN) - Region 2 Project Akwa-Ibom, Anambra, Imo and Rivers States, Nigeria | Total Award value: US $11,090,990 million | 5 years 2014 - 2019

In July 22, 2014, United State Agency International Development (USAID) Nigeria authorized Widows and Orphans Empowerment Organization (WEWE) to implement the Local partners Initiative for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (LOPIN) project region 2. The states that cover region 2 are Akwa-Ibom, Anambra, Imo and Rivers States. LOPIN 2 is a 5-year Cooperative Agreement (CA) with no. AID-620-A-14-00005, which was modified on August 02, 2016. The project started in July 22, 2014 and ended in July 21, 2019. The project amount was US$11,090,990.


The project goal was to increase the number of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and their households benefiting from integrated quality care, protection and support services in over 133 communities and 16 Local government areas (LGA) in 4 states, Akwa-Ibom, Anambra, Imo and Rivers.


A total of 82,605 (49,649 females, 32,956 males) beneficiaries have received evidence based quality interventions as at September 30, 2019 and from these beneficiaries, 60,066 are orphans and vulnerable children between the ages of 0-18 and 22,539 are adult care givers and 12,305 of these beneficiaries are adolescent girls between 10 – 18. From these beneficiaries, WEWE has also successfully enrolled 255 (140 females, 115 males) HIV positive children. The service provided cuts across the four domains “healthy”, “schooled”, “stable” and “safe”, through direct service provision to the child, caregiver, and community with emphasis on building household economic resilience.


LOPIN 2 activities were categorized into 4 service domains ‘Healthy’, ‘Schooled’, ‘Safe’ & ‘Stable’.


The series of activities listed under each domain are as follows:


HIV Counselling, Testing and Treatment, HIV Risk Assessment and Referral, Health Awareness Campaigns, HIV Testing Services Escort Services, Direct Nutritional Support, Immunization Awareness/Sensitization, Personal Hygiene, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Environmental Sanitation, WASH, Malaria Prevention with special emphasis on proper use of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN), Handling of Minor Illnesses, Adherence to Drug Regime For People Living with HIV.



Enrolling and re-enrolling out of school children and ensuring retention, monitoring Educational Performance Assessment, School Visits, School Block Granting, Adult Education, Peer Education Plus, Vocational and Life Skill Training and Establishing Community Learning Centers to educate out of school children.



Facilitate the Issuance of Birth Certificate for Vulnerable Children, Provision of Shelter and Care, Child Protection particularly against Child Abuse.


Home Visits, Psychosocial Support, Kids Club, Adolescent Club, Caregivers’ Forum, Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) and activities to ensure Household Economic Strengthening.

10. Children of Hope (CH) Project, Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC):

This project was implemented in Imo, Enugu, Ebonyi, Oyo, Edo, FCT and Benue States. The nature of the project was to conduct a grant management program and provide sub-grants of $100,000 to $150,000 per annum to 10 local CBO/FBOs caregivers in 7 states valued at $1,764,996.48 for 2 years. The sub – grants were provided to 10 CBOs & FBOs to reach 11,055 OVC (5,466 males 5,589 female) and 2500 and 11,626 individuals (4974 males, 6652 female) – provided Household Economic Strengthening for over 4000 vulnerable households.

 11. WEWE Positive Action Fund Project (PACF): 

This was implemented in Imo and Abia States, with the aim of providing Prevention of Mother to Children Transmission (PMTCT), providing education and referrals to 750 women of child bearing age in 20 communities. The project spanned from Oct 2012-Jan 2017 and it had a budget of N 34,010,831.

12. FHI 360 Malaria Action Program for States (MAPS): 

This project was implemented in Oyo State to provide supportive malaria treatment and reduce the incidence of malaria among 1000 vulnerable pregnant women and children under 5 years old by 80% in 20 wards across 5 LGAs in Oyo State. A total of 2,405 Households were reached on malaria prevention. The project was for the period covering Aug 2014- Jan 2015.